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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 15, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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coast guard makes a major announcement for the search for four people missing at sea. we'll bring you the latest. plus next week could set the stage for the largest strike of higher education teachers in u.s. history. the cleanup continues after 100 tornados hit the midwest this weekend. that is more in one day than the area normally sees in a busy month. the news starts right now. good evening i'm diane
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dwyer. tonight the coast guard announced it has suspended the search for four missing sailors who were thrown from their boat during a race near the farallon islands. >> reporter: the coast guard called off the search at sunset. it has been 32 hours since the sailors went missing. even though they were wearing life vests, given the cold temperature of the water it is not likely they would be found alive. the friends and family gathered to offer support and to grieve. >> this is footage of the sailboat called "low speed chase" in happier times. the wreck of the boat during a race came has a surprise to everyone in the sailing community. a 46-year-old died and four others including alan cahill
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fell into the cold pacific waters and are now lost. >> now we've lost not only, like, these amazing, beautiful human beings but the top sailors in our entire county. if anyone could have made it they should have made it. >> reporter: close to 400 people gathered for a vigil in honor of their friends. >> i feel so, so sorry for all of their parents and relatives because they went out for a happy sunday or saturday of racing and here they are gone. >> reporter: also at the vigil the three survivors who were air lifted to safety saturday afternoon. they were bruised, cold and one man suffered a broken leg. the boat was pummelled by a 15-foot wave. >> as the boat turned around to
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get back to the people in the water they were broadsided by another wave that knocked several others off the boat leaving one crew member on the boat. >> reporter: friends left flowers at the entrance to the yacht club. >> every sailor across the country and across the world that does this is hearing this and feeling this tonight. it hit us hard and it is going the hit everybody really hard. >> reporter: the yacht club released the names of the people involved. here are the names of the missing. if it turns out that these four missing people are confirmed dead this would be the bay area's deadliest sailing accident in about 30 years. live in san francisco, monte frances. a second grade teacher is dead after her estranged husband
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reportly shot her and killed himself. when officers arrived they had their guns drawn because they weren't sure if the shooter was stilton loose. witnesses said the woman was confronted by the man after she left the law offices. the 41-year-old man died at the hospital and the 43-year-old woman was pronounced dead hours later. >> official reports of shots fired here at 10 keller street. >> friends of the couple said that the pair had marital troubles and were in the process of getting a divorce. two people are in the hospital after a car crash. san jose police say the driver of this hot rod lost control in the willow glen neighborhood. the car hit a pole and crashed
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into a building on lincoln avenue at 7:00 tonight. the driver and passenger had just left a car show at jake's pizza just a few blocks down the street. >> the car lost control and hit the monument sign and pin wheeled into the building over there. after i don't know. the car was destroyed. i don't know -- the car was mangled. >> the witness says the driver was speeding about 80 miles per hour when he crashed. in the south bay a man is recovering from emergency surgery after a bizarre accident. he was hit by a remote controlled airport. it happened in morgan hill at the santa clara model airport sky park. a boy fired up the plane and it went out of control. the propeller cut one man above his knee.
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people who operate the remote controlled planes are supposed to have spotters and in this case the boy appeared not have one. is it a big decision for faculty members at all 23 california state university campuses. they will be voting on a his stork strike. it would be the largest strike of higher education teachers in u.s. history. talks have all theed. the union says that members were offered a contract of take aways. if the majority of teachers say yes to the strike it gives the union an option to order a weakout. >> the chancellors' priorities are skewed. he himself has said that less than 40% of the csu budget is going to classroom introduction. >> this is the second time the faculty has taken a strike vote in recent months.
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this week's weather is expected to be different than last week. >> we saw a sneak preview of the temperatures warming up in the inland valleys. tonight is breezy in san francisco. no fog in the way there. you can see the flag blowing around thanks to the sea breeze that kept the temperatures close to 70 degrees. we will be looking at more of that this week. the difference with the week we are about to get into is that the high pressure is building in. the highlights for the week is the showers stay to the north of the bay area. patchy fog on the coast. mostly 70s inland. by the end of the week we may see some 80s in the forecast. we'll talk about the spring
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sunshine coming back to the seven-day forecast in a few minutes. from oklahoma to iowa, people are trying to recover after more than a hundred tornados hit this weekend. >> reporter: they were the images and sounds so many have feared. >> you could hear people screaming down the road and hear stuff crashing and breaking. it sounded horrible. >> reporter: hortornados nearly0 of them. at one time two funnels in oklahoma. the blasted through nebraska, iowa and kansas tearing away anything in its path. >> it's all gone. >> reporter: in wichita it took seconds to dismantle a part of this manufacturing plant. >> this was a monster system. >> reporter: it was worse in oklahoma. joel and his daughter searched for somewhere to ride out the
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ef-3 tornado. >> we crawled up underneath here and we stayed there. and debris was hitting our legs and stuff. >> reporter: but they were the lucky ones. five people were killed in this town, three in this mobile home park. the loss overwhelmed this tight knit community. autoing to their grief the knowledge that warning sirens were damaged in a storm on saturday and did not sound as the twister moved in. >> i thought about that ever since i found out that we lost five people. so i would think it would have helped, yes. >> reporter: it's help the heardland now needs as the cleanup now begins. >> and coming up next -- >> is it a new life. is it a new life. every day. a new life. >> a heart transplant saved his
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life. we'll show you how the man from san jose met the family of the man who gave him a second chance. the new leader of north korea did something today. also. >> i'm not worried about coming back at all. >> you heard it from the man himself. brian wilson says he's be back. but you might be surprised what he plans to do in the meantime. we'll hear m wilson later wilson later on in sports. ♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me?
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[ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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with every organ transplant there is heart breaking loss for a family and grace for another. a 62-year-old man from san jose met the family of a donor who gave him a heart and a second chance at life. kimberly tere is in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: a year ago terrence said his doctors had little hope he would survive. they were expecting the worst until a hayward man's death saved his life. >> reporter: for terrence shah his decision to put his name on
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the list for a heart wasn't'sy. >> you go through all of these emotional things and say i lived a full life. this is my time and someone offers this to you and you say i don't want anyone else to die to give me life. >> it feels like you are taking something from someone. he was resistant to do that. but he didn't have choices. the only alternative was to die. >> reporter: his condition deteriorated to the point he couldn't walk down the street without losing his breath much less bike riding. in march of last year doctors implanted a device in his heart buying him more time. five months later in july, there was a match. the heart came from 32-year-old willi
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william heineke. >> a fine young man had to have thought of this when he was 16 years old. i would like to believe if i were in that situation when i was 16 i could have been that thoughtful. >> reporter: his family doesn't want to disclose how he died but they agreed to meet shah and the other organ recipients. >> i just felt so grateful for all the families. because they were -- it was a loss for them. >> shah had a hard time finding the right words. >> i said this must be hard for you and bizarre that we're in this place and the emotions obviously are high and it's harder for you than it is for me. i wish i could have something beyond simply thank you. >> reporter: shaw plans to honor his donor by living his life to
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the fullest. he rode a 50 mile bike race and hiking 30 miles a week. >> we can do things together that we didn't have that chance before. is it a new life. it is a new life every day. a new life. >> reporter: shaw says he is incredibly grateful to those who choose to be donors. according to the donor network 21,000 people in the state are waiting for organs. 10,000 of them are in northern california. kimberly tere. two cruise ships stopped at the site where the titanic sank. at 2:20 this morning, the moment the titanic slipped below the waves two wreaths were thrown out to sea. victims' families prayed and
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reflected on that night. in all more than 1500 people died. >> i'm so glad to be here. it's a relief now to me. i can leave. i can leave. i'm still going to look forward to seeing him on the other side. >> at the time, the titanic was the world's largest and most luxurious ship. >> the titanic sank on the same day that the so-called founder of korea was born. there was a celebration and north korea's new young leader surprised the world by speaking publicly for the first time. as richard engle reports it's something that his father did just once. >> reporter: the square looked like a rocket showroom. little ones with fins, rockets with boosters and these medium
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range rockets. north korea lost a rocket when it crashed into the sea last friday. now it wants the world to know it has plenty in reserve. commanding them is this man, kim jung un, he made his first public speech. it could be a sign of new openness. his father spoke in public only once for a single sentence. un said that superior military technology is no longer a monology of imperialist. north korea is a nuclear armed nation. u.s. officials believe they have ten nuclear weapons but they weren't displayed. instead columns of armored vehicles were. parts of the country have little food but they have more than a million disciplined troops.
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marching, heels snapping, shouting to commemorate the birth of korea's founder. >> this is what totalitarianism looks like when it shows a party. to show a people in lock step with their leader. >> reporter: female soldiers in skirts as jets did fly byes, legions of loyalists cheered on with bouquets of plastic flowers. this is a state where collective actions and collective thinking are prized. then at night, a moment to relax. north koreans gathered to sing and wait for a fireworks show. it even seemed spontaneous, so rare here. but when we spoke to a medical technician her answers were the same. praise for kim jung un.
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it's not easily to speak openly. then the fireworks. as impressive as any in the world. north korea today wanted to show strength but it has an odd way of doing it. richard engel, nbc news. changing gears and checking in with weather. it was gorgeous out there. what is going on out there? >> we are going to see more of the temperatures that we started to see this weekend. right now we have breezy conditions in the inner bay, mostly low 50s. you notice the wind direction and speed in fairfield. the cool breezes and marine air in the aldemont pass. we will see partly cloudy skies from high clouds.
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and temperatures won't change too much between now and wednesday. maybe a brief cool down on tuesday and starting thursday and friday we are talking temperatures into the 70s, close to 80s in the warmest places. the jet stream which about two days ago was right through southern california now lifting off to the california/oregon border. that is the story for tomorrow into tuesday. and the jet stream will move further to the north as we go through the week. we should see mostly 60s and low 70s early in the week with the showers staying off to the north. the second half of the week where the temperatures climb on up. tomorrow morning we have patchy low clouds and high clouds passing over the bay area. this is the futurecast looking for rain drops and not finding anything. things are looking dry. on the far north coast is where you will find the showers early
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in the week. the temperatures dipping into the mid and upper 40s for the bay area with the patchy low clouds. and in the afternoon, low 70s in san jose. a combination of 60s to low 70s in the tri-valley. pleasanton warming up nicely tomorrow. cool in san francisco and berkeley. for the inner bay and the coast the warmest days of the week will come in on thursday, friday, and saturday. first half of the week is mild with passing clouds from time to time. cooler tuesday into wednesday. watch the numbers not just for the inland areas but the inner bay and the coast we'll see 60s on the coast in the inner bay. redwood city may see low 70s. and morgan hill close to 80. spring sunshine for the second half of the week. late next week we will get cooling. >> that is amazing. thanks a lot rob.
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now for a look at sports we want to check in with scott reis. maybe a bit of baseball? >> we have baseball. the giants looking to sweep the pirates right out of san francisco. but they also need to find a new closer. theirs is likely de fon the se. as eadeahs ta [ male announcer ] a car is either luxury or it isn't.
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if you want a luxury car with a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited. ♪ if you want standard leather-trimmed seats, you're going to have even fewer. ♪ and if you want standard keyless access, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises.
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see your lexus dealer. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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scott reese reis back in the newsroom. the fact remains since 2008, wilson has more saves than anyone in baseball. but wilson is likely headed for his second tommy john's elbow surgery which would end his season. >> i've 06b8 prepared for a different view of the game. i have an opportunity now to be a better teammate and, you know watch other stories unravel and be more of a student of the game. i still have a lot to learn and to teach.
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this is an opportunity for me to get a better arm. why is that disappointing? i get to throw harder. i like it. i like my odds. i get to become, you know, more involved in the community and they better watch out. i'll be upstairs in the booth and announcing games and maybe win an emmy. >> jackie robinson day, everybody wearing number 42 including ryan vogelsong making his debut against the pirates. mccutcheon a drive to right but schierholtz making the play. garrett jones who was 4 for 5 against vogelsong takes him out. terrific play here but the giants run of scoring four or more runs in every game comes to an end as pittsburg takes the
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finale 4-1. the last and mariners. the final game until june between the two. a special ceremony with bill russell throwing out the first pitch and giving the old just a bit outside and bunny ears. er erik sogaard and ichiro higgins will score. top eight. a's down a pair. two aboard and cespedes nothing doing leads the majors in strikeouts or the american league in strikeouts. 5-3, mariners are victorious. and the sharks and blues game three tomorrow. the series is tied at one apiece. should be a lot of fun.
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>> thanks a lot, scott. coming up next the reason why you have a few extra days to file your taxes this year is eemancipation day. the holiday does not refer to the emaipation proclamation. we'll show you what is it all about. oo
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in april of 1862, washington, d.c. was ahead of the curve on an issue that would lead the country to civil war and to the freedom of millions of enslaved africans. monday is the 150th anniversary of emancipation day. and some observed early. >> a small gathering or discussion of d.c.'s emancipation day. why here? this is part of the circle of fences surrounding d.c. during
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the civil war. >> they came into the forts and helped build some of them and set up camps around the area. >> reporter: and d.c. slaves were freed nine months before the broader emancipation proclamation. >> you can just look to your backyard on the aspect of the emancipation. >> i'm into history especially my community. in d.c. there is so much history here. >> reporter: the history behind the proclamation that freed the slaves is here on the grounds of the soldiers home in northwest where more people came to honor the anniversary. >> it's one of -- it's history and everyone should record their history. this is part of american history. >> reporter: the proclamation declared that the d.c. slave holders be compensated. >> he wrote a draft of the
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emancipation proclamation at this cottage. >> it made -- allowed and paved the way for me to be who i am today. >> we are a people who came out of a critical struggle and we triumphed and still we rise. we have more local news straight ahead, including reaction to one of the worst boating accidents in decade also. plus what president obama had to say about the secret service scandal that overshadowed his trip to colombia this weekend. and this dog is so tall that on his hind legs he could see over shaq. cheeseburger macaroni?
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[ female announcer ] cheeserburger macaroni hamburger helper. now even cheesier and tastier. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant
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welcome back. i'm diane dwyer. tonight, the coast guard announced it has suspended a search for four missing sailors. they were thrown from their boat during a race near the farallon islands. family and friends gathered for a vigil tonight. monte frances is in san francisco with the story. >> reporter: the search was called off at sunset. it has been 32 hours since the sailors went missing. even though they were wearing life vests given the cold temperature of the water it is not likely they would be found
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alive. friends got together to mourn and to grieve. this is youtube footage of the boat "low speed chase" in happier times. the news of the wreck came as a surprise to those in the local sailing community because the crew was so experienced. mark cassannan of belvidere died and alan cahill of tiburon fell into the waters and are lost. >> now we're lost not only like these amazing, beautiful human beings but the top sailors in our entire county. like if anyone could have made it they should have made it. it's just not right. >> reporter: tonight close to 400 people gathered at the san francisco yacht club in belvidere for a vigil in honor of their friends. >> i feel so, so sorry for all
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their friends and relatives. they went out for a happy day of racing and they are gone. >> reporter: all at the vigil the three survivors who were lifted from the rocks of the farallon islands on saturday afternoon. they were bruised, cold and one man suffered a broken leg. the boat was pummelled by a 15-foot wave knocking most of the crew overboard. >> as the boat turned around to get back to the the people in the water they were broadsided by a wave that left one crew member on the boat. he suffered a broken leg. >> reporter: friends left flowers at the entrance to the yacht club. >> every sailor across the country and across the world that does this is hearing about this and feeling this tonight. it's hit us hard. it's going to hit everybody really hard. >> reporter: the yacht club released the names of those missing. alexis busch, jordan fromm, alan
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cahill and elmer morrissey. this could be the bay area's deadliest sailing accident in three years. monte frances. >> in petaluma, a second grade teacher is dead after her estranged husband reportedly shot her and killed himself. it happened outside an attorney's office on keller street. when officers arrived they had their guns drawn. witnesses told police the woman was confronted by the man after leaving the law offices. the press democrat reports the man died at the hospital and the woman was pronounced dead a few hours later. friends of the two said they were in the process of getting a divorce. two people are in the hospital after a car crash in the south bay and witnesses say they are lucky to be alive. the driver of this hot rod lost
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control in the willow glen neighborhood. the car hit a pole and crashed into a building on lincoln avenue at 7:00 tonight. witnesses say the driver and passenger had just left a car show at jake's pizza just a few blocks down the street. >> the car just came screaming down the street, lost control, hit the monument sign and pin wheeled into the building over there. and i don't -- the car was destroyed. the car was mangled. >> the witness says the driver was speeding down the street at about 80 miles per hour when he crashed. president obama is calling for a thoroughly investigation of the secret service prostitution scandal in colombia. brian mooar reports. >> reporter: president obama's summit visit to colombia has been upstaged by accusations of misconduct by some of the secret
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service personnel sent there to ensure his safety. >> if it turns out that some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then, of course i'll be angry. we're representing the people of the united states. and when we travel to another country i expect us to observe the highest standards. >> reporter: the hotel was the scene of a party that included booze and prostitutes. five members of the military are also said to be under investigation. the president stayed at a different hotel and the agents involved were not member os the presidential protection division. but the agency and culture are cast in an unflattering light. >> the investigation will be about those involved it will be
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about how often has it happened before. >> reporter: juan kessler wrote the book on the secret service. >> this is the biggest scandal in the history of the secret service. >> reporter: and an embarrassment for an agency whose motto is worthy of trust and confidence. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. a new lease on life. we'll introduce you to a bay area man who was near death and what he has to say ant meeting the family who g ant meeting the familyav w ge him a avheart.
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at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. t. if you want a luxury car with a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited. ♪ if you want standard leather-trimmed seats, you're going to have even fewer. ♪ and if you want standard keyless access, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises. see your lexus dealer.
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one of the biggest retailers in america is closing two stores here in the bay area. best buy announced it will close stores in east palo alto and pittsburg. both could shut their doors on may 12th. today, the stores officially started their closing sale. >> i got the e-mail that said they were closing and 20% off everything. i came out from brentwood, california and got a good deal. 400 bucks off a 60-inch l.c.d. tv. >> best buy is working on finding the employees other positions in the company. in march the company announced it would shut down 50 stores
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across the country. with every organ transplant there is party breaking loss for one family and hope for another. a 62-year-old man from san jose met the family of the donor who gave him a heart and a second chance at life. kimberly tere is in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: a year ago terrence shaw said his doctors had little hope he would survive. they were expecting the worst until a hayward man's death saved his life. for terrence shaw the decision to put his name on the donor transplant list for a heart wasn't easy. >> you go through all these emotional things and say i've lived a full life. >> it feels like you are taking something from someone and he was resistant to do that. and then he didn't have any other choices. the only alternative was to die. >> reporter: shaw was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy 12 years ago
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and his condition deteriorated to the point he couldn't walk down the street without losing his breath. in march of last year doctors implanted a device in his heart to buy him more time and making him stronger. five months later, in july, there was a match. the heart came from a 32-year-old man. at the age of 16, he became a registered organ donor. >> there had to have been a fine young man to have thought of this when he was 16 years old. >> the family doesn't want to disclose how he died but they agreed to meet shaw and the disclose how he died but they agreed to meet shaw and the other organ recipients. >> i was so grateful for all the families. it was a loss for them. >> reporter: shaw had a hard time finding the right words to say to his mother, who is still grieving. >> i said this must be really
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hard for you and it's bizarre we are in this place and the emotions are high and it's harder for you than it is for me. i wish i could have something beyond simply thank you. >> reporter: shaw plans to honor his donor by living life to the fullest. he rode a 50 mile bike race and was hiking 30 miles a week. >> we can do things together that we didn't have that chance before. it is a new life. >> reporter: shaw says he is grateful to those who choose to be donors. according to the transplant donor network, 21,000 people in the state are waiting for organs and 10,000 are in northern  california. kimberly tere, nbc bay area news. right now we want to check in on the weather forecast coming up this week if you like sunshine and mild temperatures.
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>> i think most of us after the last six weeks have been dodging storms and this seven-day forecast coming up one of the driest we've seen in some time. temperatures outside in the low 50s. we should see the numbers dip into the mid- to upper-40s. a sea breeze pushing in patchy low clouds tomorrow morning and temperature wise tomorrow maybe just a bit warmer. a brief cool down into tuesday. and in the middle part of the week the temperatures start to climb up. unlike the last couple weeks a weather system is approaching the northern california coach but it will steer off north of the north bay with cooling on tuesday and the high pressure builds in on thursday and friday. starting to see the temperatures come on up. monday morning, maybe mist on the coast as the system goes by adding a lift to the low clouds. but during the day nothing sub
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substantial in terms of showers. the showers stay to the north on tuesday and the temperatures climb up, thursday, friday, and saturday. we should wake up to patchy low clouds through the day. what you will notice is high clouds drifting by. if you are heading to the coast, partly cloudy skies and 60 on monday afternoon. mid- to upper-60s in the inner bay and low 70s the rest of the bay area on monday afternoon. the afternoon highs in the low 70s around the santa clara valley. close to 70 around pleasanton. and around the north bay numbers mostly in the 60s but as the winds turn out of the north on thursday and friday the temperatures come up. first half of the week mild with a brief cooler. the second half of the week we'll see the warmest days of the week do look to be friday
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and saturday. as we go you will the end of the weekend we'll see a trough move in to the north leading to cooling and mountain showers on sunday. but between now and saturday nice warm weather. >> you could see pretty nice. gorgeous. thank you, rob. 100 years after the titanic sank people are given a chance who ay good-bye to loved ones sweetheart. we need to talk.
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months. at&t.
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prayers and silence marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the titanic. two cruise ships held a memorial service for the 1500 people who died in the disaster. robert moore was on board one of those ships and he has more. >> reporter: in the early hours of this morning over 1,000
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passengers on two cruise ships chartered for this moment stopped to remember. ♪ musicians played "nearer my god to thee." >> that do business in great waters we see the works of the lord. >> reporter: two miles above the wreck, descendants of those who died prayed and reflected on the tragedy on the blunders and the heroism of that night and of lives lost. >> it's a relief now to me. i can leave. i can leave. i'm still going to look forward to seeing him on the other side. >> reporter: at 2:20 a.m., the moment titanic slipped below the
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waves, two wreaths were thrown out on to the waves. >> this is a recreation of the moment when jon phillips in titanic's radio room transmitted one of the most famous things transmitted. qcd, come quickly, danger. robert moore, itv news in the north atlantic. coming up next, the dog so big he sleeps in a queen sized bed and so tall hevernberplay ncdi ibl nba players. it's incredible. e.
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the world's tallest dog made an impress on the "today" show this mortganing. >> he is the shaquille o'neal of a dog. >> he looks like regular dog only when you see him next to something you see how big he is or in person. >> look at the size of his head and he is sitting on that couch. his feet are on the ground. he is 7'3" on his hind legs. he is 6 1/2 years old and weighs 245 pounds. he eats 180 pounds of food every
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month. where does he sleep? in a queen sized bed. >> 245 pounds. >> give or take. >> that is a large animal. >> wow. >> and he also just drinks out of the sink. he just walks up. >> on the island. >> exactly. >> we have nice weather coming up. >> if you want to walk a dog. >> you did that today. >> second half of the week might see cooling early on but looks great next week. >> thanks for choosing nbc bay area. chris matthews is next. good night.
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other groups want to target all non-residential properties. nbc bay area supports an honor debate about the unintended results of prop 13. it was


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